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Admit it: You've always wanted to try having sex in public.

A recent survey conducted by sex toy company Adam & Eve asked 1,000 American adults if they’ve had sex in public. Fifty-two percent said yes. The top three locations? In a parked car, the woods and the park.
Admit it. You’ve thought about getting it on in an off-limits location. But taking sex to the next, very visible, step is a big deal.

There are lots of places to do it in public beyond the usual suspects. Think public bathrooms, the beach, movie theaters and department store fitting rooms. I know a few airplane bathroom devotees, but the logistics of hooking up in such a tight space baffles me. If you’re not ready to commit to full-blown public sex, you can always test run the idea by keeping a door, window or blind of your home open. Another idea is to have sex in front of a hotel window. (Trust me, it’s pretty hot.) The key is to be fast, quiet and sneaky.

Be chameleons

It may seem strange to coordinate your clothing to a place of deviance, but this is an important, but often overlooked, detail. If you’re getting it on in the great outdoors, you want to wear colors that blend in. Likewise, if you’re in the back row of a movie theater, dark colors are best. The key is to minimize attention, visually or otherwise.

Bring the right gear

Unless you want to sacrifice your soft parts, bring a blanket to cushion the pushin’. If you hook up on the beach or in a park, scratched up knees and elbows are no fun. Then again, you may wear such aftermath as a badge of honor. Plan accordingly. Nobody wants sand, sticks or blackberry thorns in unwanted spots.

Skip underwear

I’m all about sexy skivvies – unless they’re going to slow me down. If time is of the essence, which it almost always is in public sex scenarios, skip the undies. It’s one less garment to slip off and on. And even if you slide them down to your ankles, you’re still limiting your mobility, which is key in the freestyle world of public sex. If you must wear panties, there are crotchless options that allow for, umm, easy access.

Remember that silence is golden

Moan loudly in the bedroom, but don’t make a peep when it comes to public sex. The key to pulling off this elusive act is to fly under the radar. Although it goes against every sex-loving bone in my body, stifle your screams and whisper any dirty talk — now is not the time to be vocal.

Say goodbye to foreplay

I love foreplay as much as the next woman. In fact, most of us need on average 20 to 30 minutes of arousal to climax. Sorry to break it to you, but unless you’ve stumbled upon the perfect storm of public sex privacy, that’s simply not going to happen. However, by the time I’m lifting my skirt and grabbing onto a park tree, I’m so hot and bothered that it takes minimal effort to make me come.

Don’t get arrested

I like public nudity but not enough to get locked up for it. If you’re worried about your image or criminal record, check out your state’s laws on indecent exposure. In some states, indecent exposure is a misdemeanor, while others require those convicted to register as a sex offender. Seriously. On the bright side, there are no federal laws either for or against nudity.

My Reasons for breastfeeding were initially selfish. My husband and I went through years of infertility treatments until we were blessed with our daughter. We didn't have a lot of money leftover when we brought her into this world, so my plan was to breastfeed her to avoid the high costs of formula.
Plus, I was lazy. It was so much easier to nurse in the middle of the night rather than leave the bedroom to mix up a bottle and warm it. Instead, I could lie in bed with her, pull up my shirt and feed her, continuing to keep my eyes closed.
So for all practical purposes, breastfeeding just made sense.
Our nursing relationship has made it to five months so far with no end in sight. We've saved so much money not needing formula. And I have yet to make a 2 a.m. stumble out of my bedroom to prepare a bottle for her.
But it's become so much more than that. Was it hard in the beginning? Yes. Did I cry on more than a few occasions? I distinctly remember the night I burst into tears to my husband at three in the morning because she hadn't left my breast in six hours and the pain was unbearable. I have gotten up to pump in the middle of night because of engorgement. I've had to work my way through clogged ducts. I had to slather on gobs of nipple cream and wear little ice packs to try and manage the soreness.
It's all been worth it.
Breastfeeding has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I now look forward to it. I've become attached to it. Nursing has helped shape the powerful bond with my baby. I am the one that can always comfort her. I'm her safe place, her place she come when the world proves to be too overwhelming. I'm the sole source of nutrition for her.
Here's the thing: it hurts me to think that one day this will all be over.
In a month or so, she'll start trying solid food and I'm having a hard time with that. Is that being over-emotional? Maybe. I don't know if my infertility plays into it, or the traumatic hospital stay with her where holding her close was the one thing that kept me from unraveling, but I'm having difficulty letting go of exclusive breastfeeding. Because it's become so much more than providing milk for her.
My house is in desperate need of a good cleaning. The dishes always pile up at the end of the day and my poor husband dutifully cleans them without complaint when he comes home in the evening. I look at the toys scattered over the living room floor as I cradle my daughter in my arms. I should really vacuum, I think to myself.
There have been moments (OK, who am I kidding, there have been a lot of moments) when I wonder if I should be doing something else rather than lay with my baby and nurse. After all, she doesn't nurse to eat all the time. I suspect a good deal of our sessions are out of comfort more than a nutritional need. Should I sleep train? Try to cut down the nightly feeds so I can get more sleep?
Guilt is a powerful thing when you are a mom. We have to balance caring for our babies with the ever increasing amount of household duties. The laundry piles up. There's dog hair everywhere.
Here's the thing: it hurts me to think that one day this will all be over. So I treasure every breastfeeding session we have and I hope we have many more months of nursing.
I want to end with this: Enjoy those moments, if this is you, if these are your same thoughts. Spend a few more minutes sitting in that chair with your baby. There will always be dishes and laundry and pet hair to vacuum. Cuddle with your nursling because you won't know if that one time will be the last time.
Someday, whether it's next week or next year, it will be over and there will be plenty of time for all that other stuff. There will be plenty of time to feel that guilt over those toys scattered across the floor. There will be plenty of time to do "something else."

Two Newly expectant parents recently asked my husband and me for advice about becoming parents. At first, we spoke to some of the lighter, more common truths about having babies—the sleepless hours, the blowout diapers, the potential relinquishing of one's hours to rocking, holding, changing, cleaning, worrying, wearing pajamas, eating takeout and watching binge-worthy TV. (This last part isn't so bad, so long as the baby isn't wailing.)
For some reason—maybe because I love these two soon-to-be-parents, maybe because I was feeling especially reflective at that moment—I went deep, and fast, to some of the darker truths about raising children. I dove straight toward parenting's ugly underbelly. To my surprise, instead of expressing fear and disgust, these two people thanked me for being so honest about these lesser-known realities of parenting.
And so I thought, perhaps my own dark parenting truths are ones that everyone should know.
1. You might regret becoming a parent
Few parents have the audacity or cruelty to admit this regret to their children, let alone speak these feelings out loud.
But I'd bet that many of us have felt fleeting tinges of regret. Those times when we've locked ourselves in the bathroom to cry. Those canceled plans and forgotten dreams. Those moments when we've wondered why the hell we wanted to commit to this whole child-rearing business in the first place.
2. You might like children less after you have children of your own
Once, in a college class discussion, I toyed with the idea of letting children run the world. They could make all our rules and solve all our problems, I thought, because they had a far better capacity for innocence and perfection and infinite love than adults did.
My professor then asked me, "Haven't you ever read 'Lord of the Flies'?"
She had a point.
It's easy to cling to the myth of the innocence and perfection of childhood before you are a constant caretaker of children. My years of babysitting as a teenager and young adult did not prepare me for what I would discover as a parent. These days, I know that children are neither innocent nor perfect. They are, perhaps, less flawed than adults. But they are still fundamentally flawed.
For the most part, I only want to be around the flaws—the snot, the whining, the capriciousness, the meltdowns, the jealousy—of my own children, and maybe a few select others. All the rest can just stay home. Or at least stay only for a very, very short playdate.
3. You might lose friends
Parenthood disassembles and reconfigures your life in a way that few other events or experiences can.
Like puzzle pieces, some friends still fit after that initial reconfiguration. Some don't fit until much later, far beyond those early chaotic years. Others never quite find their way back into your life.
Becoming a parent has fashioned both a mirror and a magnifying glass in front of me.
4. You might give up pieces of yourself that you once loved
No one has it all. No mother. No father. No person. All of life involves sacrifice, and parenting always demands its share of it.
It's like those friends who stay, or return, or never come back at all. Some dreams and passions and loves stay even after the babies are born. Some return. Others don't.
5. You might find parenting unfulfilling
In fact, I would argue that parenting is not completely fulfilling for anyone—nor should it be. Our children's lives cannot and should not consume our own (much as they might devour our time and attention). Our children are not and should not be viewed as extensions of ourselves.
Parenting can fill one with love and wonder and joy. But it cannot take the place of all the other possible loves and wonders and joys in the world.
6. You might one day feel as if your child is a stranger
It might be that first time they utter, "I hate you." The moments when they disappoint you. The realization that they have gone off and developed friends of their own, interests of their own, ideas of their own. Sometimes the strangeness is quite beautiful. Other times, it's frightening.
7. You might face hard, impossible truths about your own parents
Becoming a parent has fashioned both a mirror and a magnifying glass in front of me. I can see in sharper focus all the mistakes that my own parents made when I was a child. But I can also see myself making some of those same mistakes, and new mistakes of my own, now that I am a parent.
My heart breaks when my children walk out the door without me.
8. You might understand, for the first time, horrific things
A new mother once confided in me that she never understood how people could shake babies until she had a crying, inconsolable baby of her own.
I never understood what she meant until, years later, when I had a baby of my own. Red-stippled eyes, leaking breasts, my own tears like tributaries feeding into a river of my newborn's snot and saliva. I felt the urge to throw things, to scream, and, yes, to shake.
As I set my baby down in his crib and cried my way out into the hallway, I thought of parents who had less support, less security. Less of an ability to stop, set the baby down and walk away.
"There but for the grace of God go I," I thought.
9. You might feel true, blinding rage toward your flesh and blood
Audre Lorde once described motherhood as the "suffering of ambivalence: the murderous alternation between bitter resentment and raw edged nerves, and blissful gratification and tenderness."
I feel this ambivalence nearly every day of my life.
10. Your heart might break, every day, forever
My heart breaks when my children walk out the door without me. It breaks when I think of all I cannot protect them from. It breaks when I consider how I would be destroyed if I were to lose them.
My heart breaks with love for them. And it's a different, darker, deeper, more flawed and more broken love than I ever imagined before I had children.

Two women tell all about how porn ruined their marriages.

This past week the state of Utah made a bold move: They declared pornography to be a "public health hazard," saying it harms individuals and society as a whole. In fact, they're so serious they've deemed porn an epidemic and made a legal resolution to stem the (filthy) tide.

Porn? A public health menace? But perhaps it's not as silly as it first sounds. "The state is worried about 82 percent of sex offenders who started off by viewing pornography," explained Pamela Atkinson, the chair of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography board, on Utah Public Radio. "They acknowledged they got involved with simple — or soft-core porn — years ago. It's not so satisfying anymore, and that's when they move on to the hard-core porn. When that is not satisfying any more, they act out on real human beings. They objectify children and young women."

Utah isn't the only one sounding the alarm, and it's not just about rapists and pedophiles; therapists are saying they're seeing an increase in porn addictions in their practices, and it's having devastating effects on relationships. This is something that Ashley* knows firsthand.

"Porn is absolutely the reason for my divorce," she says. "It got to the point where we had no sex life, nothing at all, because my husband could only get aroused to online images and videos. And it wasn't that he didn't want to have sex with me —he did—but he just couldn't perform with a real, live woman."

More: Porn addiction is real — how to handle it with your sig-o

Ashley explains that over the course of their 10-year marriage she tried everything, from getting fully waxed down there to acting out popular porn scenarios to even getting breast implants — all so she'd look more like the porn stars he watched so much. But it didn't help. Nothing she did gave him the experience he'd become accustomed to; she notes that he'd even get disgusted with the natural and normal ways her body reacted during sex.

The couple tried counseling, but it was too little, too late. Her husband admitted he had a porn addiction but didn't think he could break it, even for her. Ashley says her self-esteem was shattered and she still suffers depression and anxiety from the trauma she endured. "Imagine having someone tell you every day for 10 years that every single part of your body is wrong and then tie it to your personal sexual experience," she says. "It's beyond devastating. There aren't even words for this kind of hurt."

Ashley's husband isn't a rare case, though. A 2014 study found that one of the hallmarks of porn addiction is struggling to perform sexually in real life. "It's the true paradox of the addiction," writes Sue Johnson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and researcher. "It seems that their sexual response has become conditioned to function only in the context of stereotypical porn images. So they struggle to get hard, stay hard and reach orgasm with actual people. Sometimes they can only manage to perform face-to-face when they replay in their minds the videos and images they’ve seen online. Over time, they often come to desire porn sex more than partner sex."

But porn doesn't just cause problems inside the marital bedroom, as Nora* found out. She is currently in the process of divorcing her husband and, like Ashley, says porn is the root of their issues.

"It all started with online pictures and stuff when he was younger. I knew about the porn on his computer when we got married, but I figured it was just something all guys did and wasn't a big deal," Nora says, adding that at first she tried to be the "cool girl" and watch it with him. But he wasn't interested in having it be a joint hobby, and soon it turned into a very big deal when he started spending more and more time online and less time with her and the children they eventually had. "Every night it was straight to the computer and he'd be there until... I don't know. After I went to bed."

More: Porn addiction almost ruined this woman's life

Nora's husband took his online fantasies a step further and met a woman online, sexting each other around the clock. Eventually, he told Nora that their marriage was over and he was leaving her for the other woman. She was blindsided by the news and says she went into a deep depression. Even though their sex life had been mediocre at best and nearly non-existent recently, she still thought that they'd work it out, that things would get better when the kids got older.

But then it was Nora's husband's turn to be surprised; his online mistress hit him with a restraining order when he tried to meet her in real life, repeatedly showing up uninvited at her job and apartment. "He was so in love with his fantasy girl that he couldn't see that the real-life girl wanted nothing to do with him," Nora says with some satisfaction.

Even then she might have taken him back, if he'd agreed to get help, she says, until she discovered he'd been cheating on her for several years with women he'd met online — and she has the STD to prove it. She also found thousands of dollars of credit card debt he'd racked up on porn sites along with hundreds of e-mails he'd sent to porn stars and webcam girls.

"He'd had this whole secret life that ended up wrecking both our lives, not to mention what it did to our kids," Nora says. "And yes, it was the cheating that finally ended our marriage, but it was the porn that started it all."

None of this is to say that every man who looks at a Victoria's Secret ad a little too long will eventually leave his family for the cold, electronic embrace of porn. Nor is this to say it's only a problem that effects men, or that Ashley and Nora didn't play a part too in the dissolution of their marriages. But it does say we need to stop ignoring stories like Ashley's and Nora's and recognize that porn may be a bigger problem than we thought — and that the consequences can be lifelong.

Ashley, whose divorce has been final for three years, says that recently her ex-husband broke down crying during an exchange of their kids. "He told me he wished he could take it all back, that he knew it was his fault, and that he should have thrown the computer out the window, if that's what it took," she says. But, she adds, while that was nice to hear, it doesn't change the fact that her love life is still a wreck because of what happened. "I have trust issues," she says, "Serious trust issues."

We scoured the internet to bring you the steamiest tips, hottest positions and most erogenous tricks. These 50 will surely make you sweat, and give her the orgasm of her life.

1. Use your breath. “Use your breath to breathe on your sweetie’s skin. Blow sweet caresses on his/her neck, chest, stomach, palms, inside of the wrists, and ears. Of course, it is also very potent to gently blow warm breaths onto his/her genitals.” (YourTango)

2. Share your fantasies. “Don’t expect your partner to figure out what turns you on. Tell your partner. That’s all part of the fantasy. Life’s too short to wait for your partner to figure it out.” (WebMD)

3. Lube up. “Women who reached for lube during the deed reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction and pleasure compared with women who didn’t use it. The extra slip and slide made sex more satisfying . . . and more comfortable sex tends to be more sizzling sex.” (Women’s Health)

4. Kiss her ears and make her crazy. “Place your lips an inch away from the ear and release a slow sigh, which will tantalize the nerves without going overboard. Then take the earlobe between your lips and gently tug. This will pull at, and indirectly stimulate, the nerve endings inside the ear.” (Redbook)

5. Go Twilight on her neck. “As she turns away, brush her hair aside, revealing her neck. Take a quick nibble on the side of her neck, look back up at her in the eyes, smirk, and then go back to dancing or talking at the bar. Do not go for a kiss immediately after nibbling on her neck.” (Danger and Play)

6. Play with her boobs—the right way. “Caress, kiss, and massage. Drag your teeth gently. Flick her nipple with your tongue, but don’t fix your mouth on her nipple for too long, as that can be irritating or worse, infantilizing. No two women are alike — and neither are our breasts.”

7. Set the mood. “Creating a sensual and romantic ambiance – through everything from lighting to the smells wafting through the air – can enhance the sexual experience. Start off by making sure to address all five senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, and, of course, touch.” (via About)

8. Focus on her clit—the right way. “With your fingers, gently pull back the clitoral hood and directly lick the tip. Do this in slow teasing licks and you can alternate your pattern.” (Made Man)

9. Learn how to get her off with just one finger. “Orgasmic Meditation (OM) is a practice in which one partner gently strokes the other partner’s clitoris for 15 minutes. OM consists of a defined sequences of steps, and is a goalless practice – the only job for both partners is to feel.” (OneTaste)

10. Have sex in public. You will need a good location, respect, discretion, alertness, subtlety. Optional: a blanket. (Howcast)

11. Keep her panties on. “It can be pleasurable torture to play with each other over your underwear, teasing and stroking through the fabric. You’re building up the anticipation, so when you finally do have skin-on-skin contact, it’ll be that much more explosive and exciting.” (SheKnows)

12. Start with a massage. “Get your partner in the mood — and give the muscles time to warm up — with relaxed, gentle strokes. Slowing down will also help you gain their trust, which means they’ll be putty in your hands by the end. And that’s when you go in deep.” (Sundance)

13. Ice, ice, baby. “Nipples are especially sensitive and when ice is passed across them, they will harden almost immediately. Women will be particularly turned on by this and their breasts will rise and firm up as the nipples because aroused.” (Lovers Guide)

14. Give yourself an ego boost. “If you want to be confident under the covers, you need to feel confident in yourself. Overcoming a fear is one of the easiest ways to boost your self-esteem.” (Realbuzz)

15. Sleep (yes, just sleep) naked. “Laying skin to skin will increase feel-good chemicals like the cuddle hormone oxytocin.” (Shine)

16. Focus on foreplay. “Make it sensual, romantic, animalistic, sweet, sultry, whatever…just do more of it.” (Bedsider)

17. Use a blindfold. “The excitement caused by blindfolding your lover can perk up the adrenaline rush. Add to it the feel of a satiny-silk cloth blindfolding your eyes and the thrill of touching and feeling your lover in all the unexplored places” (Thirdage)

18. Turn the lights off. “What we do is turn off all the lights and make it pitch black, and have zero covers on the bed. It makes you really focus on touch and sound, everything becomes so much more electrifying!” (Glamour)

19. Role play. “It keeps the relationship interesting and you get to pretend you are someone you are not for a little while. If you’re not into pretending to be someone else, why not try being a different version of yourself?” (College Magazine)

20. Engage in some good old fashioned dirty talk. “Begin slowly, and watch how her body reacts. Gradually work your way towards the torrid. If we tense up, turn away, or avoid eye contact, you’ve probably gone too far.”

21. Bring a vibrator to bed. “Introducing a vibrator into your relationship can be very rewarding. Studies have shown that women who use vibrators experience better sexual function.” (Divine Caroline)

22. Slip on a cock ring. “The cock ring acts as a dam of sorts, slowing the flow of blood into the erectile tissues in the penis, thus causing a ‘super erection.’” (Persephone)

23. Don’t give up on sex in the shower. “Although it takes some creative manoeuvring, there are many advantages to this very wet form of sexual activity. Doing it in the shower is a highly effective form of foreplay, as well as a perfect opportunity to get a quickie in.” (Sex Info 101)

24. Give (or get) a striptease. “All you have to do is prepare with the right clothes and take them off in the most sultry way possible.” (WikiHow)

25. Vary stimulation across her erogenous zones. This video explains everything.

26. Learn how to kiss persuasively. “Both men and women also found assertiveness attractive in a kisser. Those who committed to the kiss, rather than made-out half-heartedly, were better kissers.” (Psychology Today)

27. Eat pineapples together for a tasty night in. “Eating large amounts of pineapple dramatically changes the way that our seminal and vaginal fluids taste.” (Pork & Gin)

28. Don’t use teeth when you go down. “Never bite the cunt in any way whatsoever. If this needs more explaining you should probably just stick to jerking off.” (Vice)

29. Look into the mirror, mirror on the wall. “Many people find such self-voyeurism fascinating. It reveals a part of yourself that only your lover sees. But for other people, watching their partner’s body from new angles is the real pleasure.” (Lovers Guide)

30. Relax your tongue. “Keeping your tongue pointed may be painful for her and not cover enough area of the vagina. This is one of the most basic female oral sex tips that, tragically, often goes unnoticed.”

31. Throw her around. “When you want to change positions, throw her around. You’re on a bed surrounded by pillows; you can throw the girl around without her getting hurt in the least.” (Real Men Drink Whiskey)

32. Get rough — it’s healthy. “BDSM practitioners were less neurotic, more extraverted, more open to new experiences, more conscientious, less rejection sensitive, had higher subjective well-being, yet were less agreeable.” (The Journal of Sexual Medicine)

33. Make her sweat. “Five percent of women say they’ve experienced either an exercise-induced orgasm or exercise-induced pleasure—proving that the “coregasm” is more than just a rumor.” (iVillage)

34. Groom. “Many women and men also like the way a clean shaved pubic area feels. Once the coarse hair is removed, the area reveals soft skin that is very sensitive to sensations. One should be careful not to cause too much friction on the bare skin, but with caution, shaved skin can give new pleasures.” (Hump-day Gazette)

35. Let her “shock” you. “The gesture refers to the act of inserting the index and middle fingers into a vagina and the little finger into the receiver’s anus, hence the shock.” (Wikipedia)

36. Go for the reverse cowgirl. “It’s sort of a cross between doggy-style and the classic Woman-On-Top position.” (Good to Know)

37. Play a game of Truth or Dare. “It’s at once sexy and fun and a perfect way to try new things. With the truths it can also be a good way to learn some new things about each other.” (Health Guidance)

38. Take her from behind. “Hopefully she has long hair so that you can pull her hair back during; if not, take both of her wrists behind her back in one of your hands and hold her up by her shoulder with her other.” (vElite Daily)

39. Let her dominate you. “Fantasizing themselves as “liberated” from all the responsibilities that go with functioning in dominant professional roles offers them a respite from always having to be in control.” (Psychology Today)

40. Tell her what you like. “It’s important to communicate about your desires and drawbacks in the bedroom, because if you never tell her what you want in bed, how is she supposed to figure it out?” (datedaily)

41. Scratch her. “Light, teasing scratches aren’t just for backs. Cheeks, inner arms, scalps, the backs of knees, the soles of feet. All of those places appreciate a little scratch now and then.” (KCPink)

42. Set the temperature for success. “A pleasant environment, which includes the room temperature, is an important part of making her feel safe, secure, and comfortable.” (Men’s Health)

43. Watch porn together. “It can enhance arousal and interest and be a boon for couples who are having trouble achieving arousal. But if one partner engages in porn viewing for an extended time and ignores the other partner because the material is so exciting or captivating, then it’s a detriment. It’s all in how porn is used.” (Everyday Health)

44. Stop watching porn by yourself. “Guys think, you know, maybe I can communicate exactly what is going on in this here porn and translate this desire into something my lover will enjoy and I will find fulfilling in the bedroom! But then, you just get addicted to porn and spend more time with your hand than your lover.” (The Gloss)

45. Do it on the kitchen table. “Part of the ‘charm’ of sex on the kitchen table is being so overcome with passion that you clear said table in one windshield-wiper movement with your arms.” (Marie Claire)

46. Steam up your backseat. “Body-generated steam won’t fog up the windows for about seven minutes, so before you get to backseat business, shut each of your winter coat sleeves into the top corners of each back seat door, creating two makeshift curtains. Also remember that the sun also sets earlier in winter, meaning there’s more time for you to take advantage of the ambient darkness.” (Lelo)

47. Hold your breath. “Holding ones breath during sex (and any other physical activity) cuts off the flow of oxygen and tires the body more easily, it also restricts ones ability to be more fluid in their stokes. But what is even more important to remember about breathing is that being aware of the flow of energy through ones body allows one to be more present in the act.” (Clutch)

48. Play with your food. “Think about tantalizing the five senses. Consider each of them and figure out what might work for you and your partner; for example, fresh flowers, candlelight, soft music, and special glasses filled with sparkling cider, seltzer with lime, or champagne… whatever piques your fancy.” (Go Ask Alice)

49. Find her G-spot. “Not an actual spot, it is more of a small area, located about 2 inches inside the vagina on the topside. You should know when you have found it because it feels like a ribbed bump, a little bit like the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth.” (sex-ed 101)

50. Learn the art of tantric sex. “Believed to date back 5,000 years, Tantric sex is an ancient Eastern spiritual practice. Like yoga or Zen, it is practiced for the purpose of enlightenment — and the philosophy transcends the bedroom into all aspects of life. In the Tantric view, sex and orgasm equal spiritual awareness at its peak.” (Marie Claire)
Surprises inspire us, and it’s quite natural. Unexpected events give an eternal sense of contentment, if the events are pleasant. We live in a materialistic world, where money plays a significant role. So getting money without putting in any sort of physical or mental effort could be a real time treat. There are a couple of great lottery games for you to participate. Lottery that can help us achieve our objectives. Here is a brief guide for you to enhance your chance to win a lottery. We often wonder about some lucky people out there. The thing is that they follow certain rules which enhance their chances to win a prize. Check out these tips to win lottery:
10. Follow the Pattern

Although, numbers are selected randomly during lucky draws of any lottery, you have to sketch out a wise plan before buying a ticket. If you think an organized pattern should be followed, keeping in mind the history of successful people, you need to stick to that plan. If luckily your plan is successful you’ll get maximum profit.  However, don’t choose the number that has already won any big jackpot as it is highly unlikely that the number will pop up again in the queue of winning numbers.
9. Keep a Record

Among the most precious tips to win lottery is maintain a record of the numbers which were held successful during several luck draws. This is not an absolute rule, but it may work for you. This step could help you understand the success rate of different patterns designed to win a lottery.
8. Buy Tickets with Low Price Money

People always show their greed by buying a few tickets with high prize moneywhile they neglect this fact that tickets with low prize money offer more chance. You can enjoy tax exemption by doing this. Various tax schemes are applicable on high value lottery tickets. So be wise and prefer a large number of tickets as they will enhance your chance to win. The likelihood of losing will be minimized this way.
7. Buy More Than One Ticket

Try to gather more tickets. Focus on quantity and try not to buy a few tickets with high monetary value. This diminishes your chances to win. This is just about the most obvious of tips to win lottery but most people seen to ignore it.
6. Take Advantage of Lottery Software

This trick seems to be like a scam, but various software or programs are out there that work on mathematical calculations and their calculations show the years of the result. That’s why it is better to try out such software but do your research before selecting it. However, if you don’t have enough time to do that, a few people can do that for you. This is also the good way of snatching facts as quickly as possible.
5. Try Different Number Groups

One of the top tips to win lottery is that, if you’ll select all tickets lying within same number group then the probability of getting a prize could be really low. So to increase this try, touch different number groups. Apart from that series of number with similar ending digits, it may increase your chance of success.

4. Prefer Less Popular Lottery Schemes

Although there is a chance of fraud in less popular schemes, but if you’ll follow the above given tips than you’ll never face a significant loss. Unpopular lotteries offer a better chance to win. Fewer people are participating so the probability is high here.

3. Examine Value of Any Ticket

Buying a ticket is the first step to taking part in any kind of lottery. But you need to be careful while choosing a number given on a lottery ticket. You can quickly calculate the real value of a ticket by taking into account the probability of the winning prize given for that ticket. These two factors add up to give the real value of a ticket. This is among the most valuable tips to win lottery. Calculate this before buying all the tickets. Prefer those that have a high value.
2. Examine How Lotteries Work

We all know we need to learn much about things if we want to master them. The same rule applies here, only focus how different lotteries work, what’s the selection criteria. Follow the lucky draws carried out for some period to get some firsthand information. Once you grab information about these simple aspects of a lottery, winning a prize becomes quite easy after that. It’s not a rocket science, but you simply need to focus.
1. Buy Tickets in Group

This is among the top tips to win lottery and this trick also raises your chances of winning any lottery. So, to increase your probabilities join a particular group and syndicate or start your own group with close friends and co-workers as other people’s luck may fall in your favor as well. Splitting a few million among your group’s member is not bad as using this tactic one can buy tickets in bulk. It is worth mentioning here that mostly lottery winners are group and syndicate.
All the given methods and tricks could only increase the chance of winning, and still there is no surety for that. Sticking to any single method could never render positive results most of the time. You need to pick several tips from here to be successful. There is no absolute way to win a lottery, and it’s a matter of experience.
You’ll learn, the more you’ll participate in different schemes. Plus, it’s a fact that different methods prescribed here possess several pros and cons now it’s up to you how you evaluate each method. Go for the best one.
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