50 Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog

There are websites about nearly everything imaginable, but that doesn’t mean that they are all good.
At Fizzle, we believe that anyone that puts in the right amount of focused effort can build an audience online, even if it is about an obscure topic.
Don’t know what topic to start your blog on? Here are 50 blog topic ideas to get you thinking about what you could focus (or re-focus) your site on.
(Some of the most creative ideas people came up with are in bold.)
  1. Self improvement/Self-Hypnosis
  2. Health & Fitness for Busy People
  3. Language Learning Blogs
  4. How to Travel on a Budget (Best hotel deals. Car rental. Trip advice.)
  5. Writing Style
  6. Rescued Animals
  7. Personal Development (Passions & Ambition Pursuing)
  8. Social Dynamics & Communication Skills
  9. Working in Uncommon Fields of Expertise While Location Independence
  10. Self Defense
  11. Recipes for couples without children
  12. Male guide to female communication
  13. Using technology in small business (Google Docs, CRM, credit card processing)
  14. Bullying/cyber bullying
  15. Behavioral disorders in children
  16. Body-weight training
  17. Entrepreneurial education for young children & adults
  18. Disc Golf
  19. DIY Projects, DIY Business and Selling Homemade Items
  20. How to have a Strong Marriage
  21. How to be a real and true friend
  22. How to Train for a Triathlon
  23. Careers vs job: following your passion
  24. Getting VMWare Certified
  25. Getting Microsoft Certified
  26. Hamburgers
  27. Self-sustaining lifestyle (grow your own food/ use solar power etc)
  28. Mind strengthening (mind over matter/ lucid dreaming)
  29. Beyond the basics of personal financial management
  30. Healthy eating blog
  31. Ghost-hunting
  32. Home brewing beer
  33. Self defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)
  34. Indie Video Game Development
  35. Video Game tactics shown through video tutorials
  36. Community gardening/Urban farming
  37. Starting and running your own social network
  38. Point and Shoot Photography (How to create incredible photographs with whatever camera you have in your pocket)
  39. Blog & Website Design for Non Designers (How to make your blog look incredible without spending a fortune)
  40. The Art of Getting What You Want (How to use confidence and technique to get what you want from life, your relationships and your career)
  41. Make Good Video for the Web (How to leverage the video medium to take your brand, blog, website, or business to the next level)
  42. Self-Employment (The logistics behind how to start working for yourself (i.e. How to leave your job, find health insurance, set up an LLC, etc.)
  43. How to write an e-bestseller (How could we document the process of creating an Amazon Kindle (or other electronic format) bestseller.)
  44. Rapid Language Learning
  45. How to become a better writer
  46. How to lose weight and feel awesome (Even at middle age! The Primal/Paleo way)
  47. Vegan diet
  48. Cycling. More specifically, urban commuting.
  49. Apartment living (this could range from renter issues to decor, etc.)
  50. Interior design blog


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