Physical Activity Tips for Adults (18-64 years)

Tips to Get Active

Physical activity plays an important role in your health, well-being and quality of life. Improve your health by being active as part of a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Be active at least 2.5 hours a week to achieve health benefits.
  2. Focus on moderate to vigorous aerobic activitythroughout each week, broken into sessions of 10 minutes or more.
  3. Get stronger by adding activities that target your muscles and bones at least two days per week.

Tips to help you get active

  • Choose a variety of physical activities you enjoy. Try different activities until you find the ones that feel right for you.
  • Get into a routine — go to the pool, hit the gym, join a spin class or set a regular run and do some planned exercise. Make it social by getting someone to join you.
  • Limit the time you spend watching TV or sitting in front of a computer during leisure time.
  • Move yourself — use active transportation to get places. Whenever you can, walk, bike, or run instead of taking the car.
  • Spread your sessions of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity throughout the week. Do at least 10 minutes of physical activity at a time.
  • Join a team — take part in sports and recreation activities in groups. You’ll make new friends and get active at the same time.

  • Set a goal
  • Make a plan
  • Pick a time & place
  • Every step counts

Health Benefits

Live longer! Live healthier!Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can help to reduce the risk of premature  death and chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, colon cancer, breast cancer, type-2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
Every step counts!If you’re not active now, adding any amount of physical activity can bring some health benefits. Take a step in the right direction. Start now and slowly increase your physical activity to meet the recommended levels.
Feel better!Regular physical activity can improve your overall sense of well being by improving  fitness levels and self esteem, reducing the effects of stress, increasing energy and contributing to positive mental health.

What is moderate aerobic activity?
Moderate-intensity aerobic activity makes you breathe harder and your heart beat faster. You should be able to talk, but not sing.
  • Examples of moderate activity include walking quickly, skating and bike riding.

What is vigorous aerobic activity?
Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity makes your heart rate increase quite a bit and you won’t be able to say more than a few words without needing to catch your breath.
  • Examples of vigorous activity include running, basketball, soccer and cross-country skiing.

What are strengthening activities?
Muscle-strengthening activities build up your muscles. With bone-strengthening activities, your muscles push and pull against your bones. This helps make your bones stronger.
  • Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include push-ups and sit-ups, lifting weights, climbing stairs and digging in the garden.
  • Examples of bone-strengthening activities include running, walking and yoga.

Is physical activity safe for everyone?
The recommended level of physical activity applies to all adults aged 18-64 years who do not have a suspected or diagnosed medical condition. These guidelines may be appropriate if you are pregnant. Consult a health professional if you are unsure about the types and amounts of physical activity most appropriate for you.


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