10 Hottest Celebrity Selfies Ever

1. Kim Kardashian


We start the list with probably the queen of selfies. Kim is renowned for her raunchy
photos and we think you´ll agree this one is no exception!
If you follow her instagram account you´ll be treated to a steady stream of her big
boobs and curvy bum.

2. Lady Gaga

It´s probably no surprise to you that Lady Gaga makes this list. This image was actually
posted on her Twitter in May 2015, when she revealed she was “horny” as her fiance
Taylor Kinney was out of town.
We´re sure she was not short of offers to replace him!

3. Miley Cyrus

Still one of the most famous celebs out there, particularly with the new generation,
here we see Miley Cyrus in a very cute but sexy pose, just for her adoring fans.
Miley has been in the news for shocking weight loss but you can see in this photo she´s
still got her cute looks. You´ll find her elsewhere on this site under shocking
weight loss transformations.

4. Rhianna

One of the worlds biggest stars, Rhianna is famous for showing off her famous and

gorgeous body on social media. Here we´ve found on of her best pictures, she

manages to look cheeky and sexy all the same time.

5.Lindsay Lohan

Lindasy Lohan, famous for being one of the brightest child actresses who lost it all and
turned into a binge drinking celebrity villain. Actually she still does some acting but she´s
now more famous for being a very bad girl!
Here´s a sexy shot of her in her swimsuit – showing off as much cleavage as she
possibly can!

6.Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande has become a pop sensation at only 20 years of age. Her star is
continually rising and the diminutive singer (she´s only 5 feet tall!) can seem to do no
wrong nowadays.
Here she gives fans a wink, a pout and some cleavage in this sweet yet sexy selfie.


Famous for her personal problems including checking in and out of rehab and sexual

harassment lawsuits, Kesha has remained in the limelight since she burst onto the

scene in 2005. Here she is in an adorable selfie that is not as raunchy as the rest, but

shows her sexiness off perfectly while leaving the rest to your imagination.

8. Paris Hilton

Famous for…being famous, no celebrity selfie list would be complete without the

smoking hot socialite Paris Hilton. She´s getting on in years nowadays but we think you´ll

agree this girl still has STYLE…

9. Jennifer Lopez

No one does sexy like Jennifer Lopez. The Latin star has been famous since forever and

this list would not be complete without honoring the list with her presence!

10. Jennifer Lawrence

Known mainly for her role in The Hunger Games films, Jennifer has been catapulted

into the limelight in recent years. Her most recent roles have proven she can really act,

as well as being very sexy, as the picture shows.

SOURCE: Buzz Clown


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