25+ Best Free Blogger Widgets and Plugins 2016

Blogger is now a very powerful CMS of blogging to the rest of other CMS. Now, many people use blogger instead of wordpress and other CMS. But the thing here to be noted is that what is the reason behind that people now use blogger instead of other CMS. The answer is very clear now blogger have plenty of its resources available on Internet. Now designers have developed thousands of different kinds of blogger widgets and blogger templates.

In past most of the bloggers leave Blogger due to lack of resources and moves toward wordpress which have huge list of its widgets and templates. But now the game has been changed most of the bloggers choose blogger over wordpress the reason of this I already tell you in above paragraph is it have huge list of blogger plugins and widgets and best blogger templates.

If you are our regular reader then you must know that I have created many useful and cool, best blogger widgets and plugins and share them to the readers. So, here I have selected 20 useful and best free blogger plugins, widgets, gadgets which you can add them in your blogger site without any problem. And I bet you that these all widgets which I share here will make your blog nicer, beautiful and attractive and completely fits on your site.

20+ Best Free Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Add CSS3 Animation Effects to Blogger Thumbnail/Elements

WOW is the javascript plugin, which can be used to add amazing animation effects to web elements. So, to use WOW plugin on blogger, I have converted that plugin, so that anyone can easily use it on his blogger site. In this plugin there are round about 50 different animation effects, which anyone can use them.

                                    Install Here

Share buttons for Blogger PACK

Here In this pack there are Social Media Share Buttons Pack 2015 for Blogger. In this pack there are total 7 widgets of blogger share buttons from different popular sources. All the widgets have there own uniqueness and beauty.

Advance Table of Content/Sitemap For Blogger 2015

Add the advanced table of content/sitemap to your blogger blog. This sitemap works automatically, the only thing you have to do is just add the provided code where you want your sitemap to be appeared and that's all. The remaining work is automatic and all the posts of your blogger blog will be listed and arranged according to categories. This sitemap is 100% responsive and mobile friendly.

How to add Nice Video Frame to Videos in Blogger

Is you want to add a nice looking video frame around your embed videos like I have added on PakMax (check this post for demo) on your blogger site? if yes then don't worry here in this post I am going to show you  How to add Nice Video Frame to Videos in Blogger.

Floating Social Media bar at bottom

This is the best social widget for blogger. This plugin can make your readers to engage more with you on social networks. The widget include social counter of tweet button, facebook like button, stumble button, G+ button along with addthis share button. The widget is floats at the bottom of your blog and only displays on the blog post pages. The plugin is very simple and created purely with CSS and no jquery uses in it. So, this widget will also not add much load on your site's speed.
To install this widget click on the below link. In that link there is complete tutorial on how to install this widget on your site. The process is very simple and easy and you can install it in just few minutes only.

Animated Radial Menu

The best ever blogger menu in radial style. You can use this menu widget for multiple reasons such as use it as navigation menu, social buttons, social share or for any other menu. When you install widget you can see a round menu button, when you click on the button the menu slides out ward from centre with beautiful animation. You can make your site more interactive in design by using this widget. The widget can easily be adjust on any place in your template.

Subcribe Box with Pure CSS Social Buttons

This is one of my best subscribe box widget which I created. To provide a clean option to your readers for email subscription and social share this widget is best for you. The widget have neat and clean design with email subscription option and Pushable style social share buttons.
I don't use any jquery to make social buttons pushable they are made completely with pure css.

After installation this widget will stick at the bottom of all the posts and let your visitors subscribe with your feed updates and also to stay connected with you on social networks.

14 Best Free css scrollbar style

To make our template looks for attractive and appealing to the readers you have to customize each and every thing of template in one scheme. So, scrollbar is also comes in the template's category. Therefore, you also have to make your scrollbar according to your template. So, for that I have created and placed 14 best scrollbars styles for blogger. You can choose any one from 14 to add it on your site.

The list of scrollbar is 14 therefore, you can easily scrollbar for your site which easily integrate with your site.

11 Excellent Image Hover Effects

In this blogger widget I have included 11 Image hover effects. You can choose one from them for your site. The pros of it is to make your site more interactive and attractive by adding image hover effects on images.
Therefore, here in this widget we have added 11 excellent CSS image hover effects. 

All have the beautiful hover effect on image. You can choose any one from it which you think is best for your site. The installation process is very simple.

Awesome Weather Widget

How its great if you let your readers and visitors to see the weather conditions and temperature from your blog. I think that by adding weather widget there should be increase in readership because along with your awesome posts and articles then can also enjoys the weather conditions. So, I have got a very useful and best weather widget for blogger which can easily integrate on any site and you can customize the widget as you want.

The another thing which I like is that it changes its background landscape conditions according to weather conditions. For example if the weather is rainy then the background landscape also becomes rainy one.
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Add Automatically Title/Alt tag to Images in Blogger

SEO optimization is very necessary for your blog. And you need to optimize all the elements of the site according to SEO. Image Alt tag is very important. Because google can't read the images, but google determines the type of image from its alt text. So, in order to get your image in Google Images search result you need to add the title and alt text to your images. So, here I am going to share another amazing blogger widget which will automatically adds the title and the alt text to all bogger images. 

Auto Social Fans Counter Widget

As you know almost every social network offers a follow button. And except some follow buttons, the all others also have a little bubble attached with them which shows the total fans or followers. At that time I asked to myself that why not I use these follow buttons to build the auto social fans counter widget for blogspot blogs.

And then I dig out this widget after spending some hours in front of code editor. The widget have simple design. But don't worry in near future the second version of this widget will come soon. But for now you can use this widget too.

Awesome Colorful Pure CSS navigation Menu

I have created this fresh colorful navigation menu bar made with pure css. It have with awesome design and unique look with beautiful hover animation. This navigation menu can really make your site's look awesome. You have observed that I also using this widget on this blog. The reason is that I like it's look and style. This menu can really attracts the visitors toward it self.

Instagram Widgets for Blogger

This is widget contain two instagram widgets in it. The first one is instagram follow button and the second one is instagram slideshow for blogger. In this widget you will be teached how to add instagram follow button and instagram photo gallery or slideshow in your blog to able to showcase your work through images.

This widget can help you to increase your instagram followers by adding instagram follow button and you can easily display all your new photos which you take from your phone to your blogger blog by adding slideshow of instagram.

Flat Dropdown Responsive menu

If you want to get responsive navigation menu for your site then your are at right spot because in this widget I have created a brand new flat responsive navigation menu for blogger. The menu is 100% responsive with dropdown feature. 

The menu is helpful to make your template responsive. You can easily install this blogger plugin in your blogger widget very easily and customize it. In the below installation link you will also find tutorial on it that how you install and customize the menu.

Box Subscription with morphing button effect

This is also one of the best widget for email subscription. With this widget you can add the Sign up button at the sidebar or at any other place where you want. And when any user click on the button then a box subscription appears coming from the button to the centre of the screen as you seeing in the image above.

This widget will really help you to increase your subscribers. Try it out. This widget will not take enough space only a little rectangular button which you can place it on any where.

Pure CSS navigation menu in Ribbon Style

This is simple and beautiful css navigation menu widget for blogger in ribbon style. The menu is fully created with CSS. The style of menu looking somewhere old type but it will still have good and nice impact and can really give your blogger template a nicer look. You can check it from the below link and also learn how to install it with demo provided.

Reddit Share button For Blogger

Reddit is very popular social networking service where people can share there links and text posts. We can get huge traffic from reddit and many people receiving tons of traffic from it only. To promote your blog on reddit then you have to add reddit share button in your blog to allow your readers to share posts on reddit.
reddit share button for blogger
By this plugin you can add reddit share button on your site that will allow your readers to promote your blog posts on reddit and also to upvote your links on reddit because the reddit have different types of share buttons with multi options like share plus up or downvote options.

Scoop.it Content Slider for blogger

Scoopit is online content curation branding and also a authority building site where we can easily curate our content.While visiting around scoop.it I found a very useful widget of it which is content slider. You can create the slider of  the content which you have saved or curate in our scoop.it account.
You can easily customize this slider and can adjust its width. The slider is automatically updated when ever you curate a new content in scoop.it.

Add social buttons on Image hover and text Highlight

You ever think about adding social sharing buttons on image hover in your site and also on text highlight? Yes, In this widget you will find a great and useful blogger widget and i hope you like it. With this you can add social share buttons on image hover and also on text highlight. Whenever any one highlights text on your site they also see sharing buttons below highlight just like as chitika highlight ads does.

The widget is very useful and help you to promote your site on social sites. 

Fancy Round rotating social buttons

This is another best widget for social promotion. The widget is very simple and consisting of four social buttons of facebook, twitter, google+ and for RSS feed. The widget is ideal for sidebar so, i recommend you to add this widget at sidebar. The buttons have rotating hover effect when ever anyone hover mouse on them they will rotate complete about 360 degree.

Complication Box widget

While reading any post the readers may find complications on any point and can't understand them and most of them feel hesitation in asking the questions in the comment box or asking the questions by contacting with the author the reason of this is may they get hesitate and think that they may ask for any ordinary thing which make them ashamed. Its duty of authors to make sure there readers and encourage them not to be hesitate in asking questions to him. 
To help the authors in encouraging there readers to ask questions and complications about there post to them I have created a new Complication Box blogger widget. You can freely add this blogger widget to your blog and start encouraging your visitors.

Responsive Featured Post Widget for Blogger

It is beautiful neat and clean flat design featured post widget for blogger. The thing here I tell you that this widget is created inspired from bloggeryard.com's new theme. So, the half of its credit goes to blogger yard. In this widget you can add four featured posts along with the label at post's bottom. This widget is ideal for header or footer because it has been made in horizontal shape.

Add Alexa badge widget

With this widget you are able to display your alexa rank and site links of your site with you reader. If you are thinking that what you get if add alexa widget in our site or blog then here is the answer of your question.
The one of the big advantage of alexa widget is it helps to increase alexa rank of our site. This is due to when we place alexa widget in our site it count every every visitor in our site and thus, it increase our alexa rank rapidly. And this adds a good impression to your audience if you have good alexa rank.
There are two types of alexa widget.
Alexa widget with alexa site links
Alexa Widget without alexa site links

Add colorful animated hover effect on links

If you want to make your blogger links animated and want to add something cool effects on links then this widget is just made for you.After installing when you place cursor on any link the link will start animating with colorful hover effects.
I have created this widget for blogger which will adds colorful  animated hover effects on links in blogger. And hope that this widget will really add some cool effects on your blog.

 Numbered Page Navigation for Blogger

I am going to share with you best styled numbered page navigation widget for blogger. This numbered page navigation widget will make your site's navigation easy for your readers to walk through your posts. How to add numbered page navigation for blogger The process of adding the page navigation widget into blogger is very easy this includes only two steps
  1. Adding CSS
  2. Adding Jquery

Final Words

Well, these are the some of the best blogger widgets and plugins which can really make your blog more nicer. I bet you that these widgets will really make your site more attractive and allow your readers to engage with your site more and more. Let me know what you think about these blogger widgets.


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