Blindfolded Children Find Their Mamas

Get your tissues ready for this one, mamas! Seriously, get them now. As a mama, you know your child like the back of your hand. In fact, probably better… when was the last time you couldn’t stop staring at the back of your hand?! You recognise your child’s laughter anywhere. You love the smell of their skin, and can recognise their cry from the opposite end of the playground. Their little hand fits perfectly in yours, and sometimes they feel like an extension of you. You know that you’re important to them too. You’re the one they run to when they fall over at the park, you’re the one they cry for when they have a bad dream, and you’re the one they tell their hopes and dreams too. You may not realise it, but your child knows you just as well as you know them.
How Well Do Kids Know Their Mothers?
To celebrate that beautiful mother-daughter bond, Pandora decided to test out how well kids know their mamas. They lined up six mamas, and let their blindfolded kids try to work out which was the right mama. This is emotional, beautiful and heart-warming so get ready to shed a few tears.
As the blindfolded youngsters make their way down the line of mothers, they reach out hoping to hold a familiar hand. Some of the children use their hands to explore the faces of the mothers in the line up. Others focus on the hair, trying to work out which mama is theirs. The mamas look understandably nervous as their kids try to work out who their mother is, no doubt scared that the child will pick the wrong woman. Of course, none of the kids get it wrong. They can tell from the feel of their skin, the shape of their face and the smell of their skin which mama is theirs. The mamas all look really pleased to be correctly picked, and share loving embraces with their kids as they are reunited. Seriously, prepare to cry.
We’re More Than Our Looks
The video celebrates the uniqueness of women, but it highlights so much more than that. It reminds viewers of that unique bond between a mother and her child. It’s pretty nice to see that kids can find their parents without seeing them, and reminds us that we are so much more than what we look like. Being a mama isn’t about looking a certain way. It’s about the way we love. Those middle of the night cuddles to soothe a child back to sleep, holding hands on the way home from school, those goodbye kisses at the nursery gates. Those are motherhood moments. And they’re the things you and your kids will remember forever.


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