Thousands Of Moms Are Taping Paintbrushes To Their Bellies. The Reason Why Is Genius!

There’s one thing woman can experience that a man will never be able to — childbirth. Some woman see childbirth as painful and traumatic. Others, however, see childbirth as a special gift of being able to bring life into the world.
For some of these women who are enamored with childbirth, imagine how they must feel if their child perishes during childbirth. Every year, thousands of babies die from childbirth. It’s especially bad in third world countries where the healthcare system isn’t developed.
Unborn Artists, a charity based in Belgium, was formed after hearing about the significant infant mortality rate in African countries. Their motto?
“To help raise money, we let our unborn babies, support African unborn babies.”
Mothers that volunteer for the program attach paintbrushes to their bellies and point them toward a canvas. As the baby inside them moves, so do the brushes, creates a truly unique piece of art. These art pieces are then auctioned off to the public to raise money to help lower childbirth mortality rates in countries such as Togo.
Watch the video below to see these unborn artists in action. I hope you’ll be moved by the end as much as I was.
Please SHARE this touching video with your friends and family.


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