Dr. Mike The Hottest Instagram Doctor Alive

Dr. Mike has been chosen as the most handsome doctor in the world.
He was named the 'Sexiest Doctor Alive' wants to find love. The 26-year-old has model good looks, likes kids, and travels the world in style.


Dr. Mikhail Varshavski is auctioning off a date with himself.

'Sexiest doctor alive' reveals why women find doctors irresistible in the dating world (and it's not just the size of their salaries)

  • Dr Mike, from New York, has more than one million followers on Instagram
  • He said women find doctors are dedicated, committed and compassionate
  • These are all qualities women look for in a man and in a relationship
  • Data shows Australian women find doctors the most attractive profession
  • Doctors are followed by men in finance, law,  start-ups or marketing

A handsome, New York-based doctor with over one million Instagram followers is auctioning himself off for charity in partnership with the dating app, Coffee Meets Bagel.
Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, who goes by the handle Dr. Mike, is a second-year family medicine resident at Overlook Medical Center in Summit, NJ, as well as an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
The 26-year-old Varshavski has model good looks and went viral last year for being People Magazine's "Sexiest Doctor Alive." His Instagram,Facebook, and Twitter were flooded with follows, likes, and comments.
Now Varshavski is trying to turn his internet fame to good use by auctioning off a date weekend to one lucky winner — a trip to New York City, a stay in a 4-star hotel, and a dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant. All donations will go to a charity called The Limitless Tomorrow Foundation, which is Varshavski’s own charity that helps students reach their goals.

Varshavski goes by 'Dr. Mike' on social media. He has over 1.1 million followers on Instagram.

He specializes in Osteopathy, which focuses on treating and strengthening joints, muscles, and the spine.

He's loving his life in New York City.

But like many New Yorkers, he's just trying to find a date. Varshavski is auctioning off a date in New York with a stay at a 4-star hotel and dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant.


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