6 Things You Should Never Say to Your Husband

Don't let your mouth put your marriage (or his self esteem) in jeopardy! Some things are simply better left unsaid. So zip those lips and listen up, ladies. Here's what not to say to your husband if happily ever after is the end goal. And isn't it always?

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1. "You're too old for that." Or worse, we're too old for that. Boring! Stay out until the crack of dawn every once in a while, pop bottles at the club and encourage him to join that rec soccer league with his guys he's been going on and on about. You're only as old as you feel, right? Plus, tapping into your inner kid will help keep the marriage fresh and fun. We're not saying make a habit of it, but what we are saying is to stop using your age as an excuse to not do things.

2. "I love your dad bod!" Seriously, just don't. While we can all agree that dad bods are super hot, it's highly unlikely that your hubby will take this one as a compliment (shocker, we know!), whether he's an actual dad or not. Stick to adjectives like sexy and hot or simply tell him you love his body and you'll be A-Okay.
3. "OMG, you're going bald!" Yikes, way to hit him where it hurts! Wives, in case you weren't aware, men are surprisingly sensitive and insecure about hair loss so try not to rub it in when or if his starts to slowly disappear. Because husbands have feelings too, you know.
4. "I mean, do you really need another [insert favorite food or alcoholic beverage of choice here]?"Unless you've made a pact to eat healthier and call each other out on your slip-ups, making him feel bad about his physique is probably not the best idea, particularly if it's in front of all his friends. Humiliation hurts.
5. "I always have to do everything around here!" Girl, please! You may be the busiest woman alive and you may very well pick up a lot of the slack around the house, however, it's highly doubtful that you do everything while your husband contributes nada. Instead of harping so much on what he doesn't do, consider praising him for the things he does, and we bet you'll notice some big changes soon.
6. "I know you're probably going to say no, but..." Um, okay negative Nancy. The chances of your man actually agreeing to whatever request you had in mind are pretty much slim to none now. Reframe your question in a positive light (e.g. "I had so much fun the last time we took the dog to the park together. Want to go again tomorrow?) to get the answer you desire or at least increase your odds of hearing yes.


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